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Professional Testimonials

"Glyn Corbitt is a highly respected professional who possesses national recognition for his expertise in his field. He is a court appointed expert due to his extensive training and qualifications. We have successfully engaged Glyn in performing case reviews and generating reports for various legal matters"

Forsyth Police Department (GA)


"Very informative, great knowledge, and perspective on essential case analysis. Confidence inspiring given the current societal climate."

"I enjoyed the organized content and "road-mapping" of constitutional issues/verbiage."

"I enjoyed this course. The case analysis was the best part of putting all the case law together."

"Very well put together course with thought provoking material."

"This is one of the best UOF courses I've attended in 21 years."

"Great training and open-minded view of most/major incidents."

This will definitely be helpful in reviewing departmental use of force.”

“I can now better articulate my findings and can now name the [constitutional] amendment force falls under."

“Great class for review of US Supreme Court cases and state statutes concerning UOF. I liked how it
flowed into the investigation process. BWC versus actual officer perception was interesting.”

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